Become your own guru,


When you look beyond your own reflection, you discover what truly drives you, what holds you back, and what you really desire. Discover how to live the life you want.

Personal consultations, experiential seminars, a community of people who find fulfillment in following their inner "guru" both internally and externally. This is what you will find here.

Welcome to your journey.

Become your own guru,


When you look beyond the mirror of your own self, you discover what truly drives you, what holds you back, and what you really desire. You discover how to live the life you want.

Personal consultations, experiential seminars, a community of people for whom following their own inner "guru" is fulfilling from within and manifesting outwardly.

This is what you will find here.

Welcome on Your Journey

My Services

Systemic Experiential Seminars

Sometimes it is necessary to delve deep into our problems or look at the situation from a higher perspective..

Consultations for


Personal consultations are conducted online and in person...

At the moment when we have it sorted and balanced within ourselves, we find harmony within, and thus confidence comes.

- Awareness from life coaching

About Me

Dagmar Kolesárová

Transformational Coach

I am an internationally certified coach (PCC from ICF) and facilitator of systemic constellations. I have been working with clients and coached more than 1500 hours. I have been working on a systemic approach since 2004, so during consultations, either personal or group experience seminars I use:

  • - tools that I have learned during the last 25 years (global systemic and coaching trainings of several years, hypnosis trainings, NLP, PSYCH-K®, I have met and learned from world-famous teachers) I have traveled all over the world and I transfer all this knowledge to experiences of my clients.  

  • - experience, from the world of reality - relationships, family, business, as well as from the world of spirituality. The world of spirituality "behind the mirror" affects how we create our world of reality. Discovering the world "behind the mirror" is my specialty, because only 5% of our world can be controlled logically. The rest is in our subconscious.   - abilities and talents - the world "behind the mirror" has been known to me since childhood. My strongest talents are empathy and the ability to connect the hidden dynamics of the spiritual world with the world of your reality. Therefore, I also have a multidimensional approach, which is also my specialty.

I specialize in discovering your world "behind the mirror" and thus your world of reality gives you a completely new dimension and meaning, so you can make the changes you want. Find your own strength, through your own abilities. Find out how various advices, motivations, mantras that you can learn or read in different places work for YOU and affect you. Each of us is unique and what works for someone may have the exact opposite effect on you. Find your own way. Discover yours3lf and become your own guru. And I will gladly accompany you on your journey.


About Me

Dagmar Kolesárová

Transformational Coach

I am an internationally certified coach (PCC from ICF) and facilitator of systemic constellations. I have been working with clients and coached more than 1500 hours. I have been working on a systemic approach since 2004, so during consultations, either personal or group experience seminars I use:

- tools that I have learned during the last 25 years (global systemic and coaching trainings of several years, hypnosis trainings, NLP, PSYCH-K®, I have met and learned from world-famous teachers) I have traveled all over the world and I transfer all this knowledge to experiences of my clients.  

- experience, from the world of reality - relationships, family, business, as well as from the world of spirituality. The world of spirituality "behind the mirror" affects how we create our world of reality. Discovering the world "behind the mirror" is my specialty, because only 5% of our world can be controlled logically. The rest is in our subconscious.  

- abilities and talents - the world "behind the mirror" has been known to me since childhood. My strongest talents are empathy and the ability to connect the hidden dynamics of the spiritual world with the world of your reality. Therefore, I also have a multidimensional approach, which is also my specialty.

I specialize in discovering your world "behind the mirror" and thus your world of reality gives you a completely new dimension and meaning, so you can make the changes you want. Find your own strength, through your own abilities. Find out how various advices, motivations, mantras that you can learn or read in different places work for YOU and affect you. Each of us is unique and what works for someone may have the exact opposite effect on you. Find your own way. Discover yours3lf and become your own guru. I will gladly accompany you on your journey.




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